At some point in the future, we hope to make it possible to use Sass instead of straight CSS for your design themes.
Mark has been using Sass lately in developing design themes for his clients and has kind of fallen in love with it. There is so much that you can do with it that really cuts down on development time (he uses CodeKit for preprocessing his Sass files).
While you cannot yet use Sass in your design themes, we have added the capability of parsing Sass-style variables within your CSS file. So if you define your variables at the beginning of the document, you can use those variables throughout the document wherever you wish.
For example, if you define these variables:
$blue-color: #00f;
$red-color: #f00;
at the beginning of the CSS file, then anywhere that you put the variable name within the file, it will be replaced with whatever you define as the value.
Note that the syntax is pretty strict, so if you don’t get the results you are expecting, double check the syntax. Net-at-hand won’t find the errors for you, it simply won’t work if it’s not right.